Sunday, April 17, 2011

Palm Sunday and Alabama Jack's

I got up early to make the 0800 service at the St James Anglican Church. Due to George and Norma sleeping in the aft stateroom where Nanc and I normally stay, I tried to quietly get some proper church clothes and not wake anyone. No luck, but I was quick. I didn't get my socks or Jacket which was in Ed and Barb's stateroom. I was hoping to be the last one to enter the church, and not show off my inappropriate dress. Didn't happen. Fr. Stanton had everyone wait outside for the start of the service and take a palm fond into the church. While waiting I noticed I was about the best dressed with no coat and no socks. None of the others had socks, most where in shorts, etc. Key Largo and Islamorada are laid back; way back. Nanc, Barbara, and Norma spent the day at the pool, and then we drove to Alabama Jack's! Lot of motor cycles outside, lot of unusual characters inside. Couple ladies in their 80's were dressed "Country" and dancing with the live band music for the crowd. Norm and George knew them form previous visits. I told Ed that it reminded me of the Bill Peer Band practicing on thru nights up on Jefferson Ave in Charles Town, WV for the Brunswick Moose, and Patsy Cline singing with curlers in her hair. My mother, Uncle, and Aunt loved her both before and after she was famous. Nanc told a friend "guy in overalls with no underwear.....about 250 - 300 LBS. Now that was a sight!!" We returned to the boat and one of the fishing charters had caught a 60 pound Amber jack. Driving to Key West tomorrow. S

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry that I missed the guy in overalls with no underwear! Please send pictures! :)
