Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Beth and Steve's dock

We departed Marsh Harbor Boat Works/Marina ,Beaufort,(recommend them highly) at 1045 and made the 1100 opening of the Lady Island Bridge. Ran all the way to the Wilmington River, Savannah and stopped for fuel at Thunderbolts. Used 19.65 gals for 15 hours of motoring, equals 1.31 gal per hour. We are tied up at Beth and Steve's dock, and they are having dinner on the boat tonight with us, and then we're going to the Savannah Yacht Club for fried oysters on Sat night. As we crossed the Savannah River, I received a call from a cargo carrier heading up river for the port, and I stayed clear of his path as you can see in the picture why. He was doing 18 knots to my 8. Nanc is having a good day and said she feels remarkably better. We thank God for any improvements. S


  1. When blogging it's so hard to know if anyone hears you and so I'm posting this comment to let you know we're thinking about you, praying for a healthy recovery for Nancy and so enjoying reading about your travels...and feeling the need for shrimp and grits!

    Amanda (for John V. too!)

  2. 'Make way for pay' I was always taught. I was watching a cargo ship on an AIS chart on the internet the other day, it was making 14.5 knots up the bay, over twice what my boat would do when trimmed perfectly! :)
