Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Happy Birthday Nancy

Departed Seagate Marina at 0700 this morning after refueling and being unable to take on water due to the faucet being frozen. We went outside into the Atlantic all the way to Masonboro Inlet and up to the Joyner Marina, where we are meeting an ole friend of Nanc's (Barbara Johston) We are taking Nanc out to dinner for her birthday. We will leave early in the morning to go down the Cape Fear River and back out into the ocean to Charleston, SC. The arrival there will be late tomorrow night, and we will lay up several days for some needed rest. S


  1. Thus the name "SPEEDY"!!!
    Happy Birthday Nanci!!!! Enjoy each and every day you three.

    James and RaJean

  2. Happy Birthday Nancy!!! Smooth sailing you two!! :)
